Sam Jenny EWASAY podcast host journalist

Sam Jenny

Sam has always been fiercely devoted to the people she loves and is going to make damn sure that they know she has their back. She is a passionate musician and loving mother to three beautiful children and every stray cat she can find. Sam started EWASAY as a way of reaching out for a reminder of the things that make people so special, beautiful, precious, and weird. She reached out to people from all walks of life, looking for the stories, the moments, the hidden details that shine when we just take the time to look. Inspired and moved by what she found, she decided that the world needed to hear about it too, and made it her mission to spread the word. She’s also absolutely going to hate being described with sincerity, so I’ll end it with the word butt to break the tension. We love you, Sam, thank you for making this happen. Butt.

Josh Keech

Behind the scenes and off camera, Josh is the greatest podcast producer available that day who was also willing to be paid in insults. Josh is a kind and loyal friend, and he works tirelessly and selflessly to make EWASAY happen. To date, law officials have found absolutely no concrete evidence that Josh roams the streets at night dressed as a wizard, playing a pan flute and throwing cheese at cars.

Ronan Daly

Ronan is technically an Irish man, but considers himself a pretty poor example of both words. He’s pretty sure that if the keeps tilting his head at that exact angle, it’ll eventually result in a decent photo. A worker of unparalleled resolve and determination, Ronan insists that if he says he’ll do something, eventually, someone will do it.

Park-In Ho (AKA Ben Krupicka)

A rare instance of unwanted-adoption, Ben has won over his new mother, Sam with the sheer amount of absurdity that falls out of his mouth over the course of most conversations (and in his sleep). We’re actively planning an intervention for his hopeless guitar-addiction; his collection is growing faster than he can masterfully shred his way through them. For better or worse, we are now harnessing his electric eccentricities to power the lights in the EWASAY studio.

Shaq Sinclair-Goblins

For some reason, (we still don’t know why), Shaq has agreed to lend his massive talent and charisma to our team before he becomes too famous. Seriously, this star-in-the-making shows sheer enthusiasm and talent at every project he takes on (which is just about everything), and we know we’re lucky to have him aboard. Keep an eye out for his upcoming role in the first of many feature films.

Jeremiah Wise

Jeremiah, contrary to popular belief, was not at any time a bullfrog. When he’s not busy rescuing cats, he’s bringing unbridled enthusiasm to his role with EWASAY. He has sworn to follow Sam as his master and sensei, and is an extraordinarily talented and dedicated member of the team.

Sam is 50% sure he’ll get better at putting on lipstick.


Ironically, Storm is a true ray of sunshine. She’s bringing her heartwarming presence and versatile skillset to help out with just about everything we’ve got going on. Plans are still in the formative stages to sew Storm and Sam together, making their status as conjoined twins official. Also, we have to get all the sweaters tailored.

Gorblock (Actual Goblin)

Gorblock likes to work hard and play hard. Except for the working part. As our security-intern goblin, he’s tasked with guarding the yawning abyss of despair. Happily this work aligns with his interests of bashing things, eating things, threatening things, and sitting still in the shadows for many hours at a time. Also, he’s happy to work for all the rats he can catch and as an intern, we don’t have to pay him. Thanks, Gorblock!